Abbott ToxWipe Oral Fluid Test – 7 Drugs

Product Code: TOX7

Availability:In stock

$34.90 34.90

Abbott ToxWipe Oral Fluid Rapid Drug Test

The Abbott ToxWipe Oral Fluid Rapid Drug Test is designed to solve the challenges associated with donors with dry mouths. “Dry Mouth” is a common difficulty throughout workplaces operating in harsh environments. The ToxWipe device is intended for active collection with small sample volumes to ensure this common environmental condition can be overcome.

ToxWipe is a fast and accurate test owing to several key design features:

  • The patented collection pad and integrated buffer ensures fast sample collection, small sample volume, and rapid read time of 3-5 minutes.
  • Being integrated, the buffer solution aids recovery by allowing easy migration of sticky THC compounds (the active in Cannabis) and other drugs through the test strip.
  • The latest generation antibodies are featured in the product

Drug Detection Cut Offs


Name Abbreviation Cut off (ng/mL)
Amphetamine AMP 50
Methamphetamine MET 50
Cocaine COC 20
Cannabis THC 25
Opiate OPI 40
Oxycodone OXY 40
Benzodiazepine BZO 10